Product Satisfaction Survey Template

This Product Satisfaction Survey Template aims to collect feedback from customers on their experience with a specific product.

The survey is split into four sections covering general information, product satisfaction, customer service, and overall experience. The questions ask respondents to rate their satisfaction level, identify product features they like or dislike, and suggest improvements. The survey also includes questions on customer service, addressing the promptness and effectiveness of the support provided.

The results of this survey will help the company identify areas for improvement and enhance customer satisfaction.

Number of Questions
Time to complete:
4 minutes

Product satisfaction survey questions in this example

1. What is your age?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. 18-24
  2. 25-34
  3. 35-44
  4. 45-54
  5. 55 or older

2. What is your gender?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Prefer not to say

3. What is your occupation?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Student
  2. Employed full-time
  3. Employed part-time
  4. Self-employed
  5. Retired

4. How satisfied are you with our product?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

5. How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very likely
  2. Somewhat likely
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat unlikely
  5. Very unlikely

6. What features do you like the most about our product? (Select all that apply)

The answer should be a multiple choice:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Performance
  3. Design
  4. Price

7. What features do you like the least about our product? (Select all that apply)

The answer should be a multiple choice:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Performance
  3. Design
  4. Price

8. How often do you use our product?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Monthly
  4. Rarely
  5. Never

9. How satisfied are you with our customer service?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

10. How quickly were your questions or concerns addressed by our customer service team?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very quickly
  2. Somewhat quickly
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat slowly
  5. Very slowly

11. Did our customer service team resolve your questions or concerns to your satisfaction?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Yes
  2. No

12. Overall, how would you rate your experience with our product?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Average
  4. Poor
  5. Very poor

13. What improvements could we make to our product to better meet your needs?

The answer should be a multi line text input.

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